Sales Fundamentals

Sales Fundamentals

Module One: Getting Started
Workshop Objectives
Action Plans and Evaluations
Module Two: Understanding the Talk
Types of Sales
Common Sales Approaches
Glossary of Common Terms
Module Three: Getting Prepared to Make the Call
Identifying Your Contact Person
Performing a Needs Analysis
Creating Potential Solutions
Module Four: Creative Openings
A Basic Opening for Warm Calls
Warming up Cold Calls
Using the Referral Opening
Module Five: Making Your Pitch
Features and Benefits
Outlining Your Unique Selling Position
The Burning Question That Every Customer Wants Answered
Module Six: Handling Objections
Common Types of Objections
Basic Strategies
Advanced Strategies
Module Seven: Sealing the Deal
Understanding When It’s Time to Close
Powerful Closing Techniques
Things to Remember
Module Eight: Following Up
Thank You Notes
Resolving Customer Service Issues
Staying in Touch
Module Nine: Setting Goals
The Importance of Sales Goals
Setting SMART Goals
Module Ten: Managing Your Data
Choosing a System That Works for You
Using Computerized Systems
Using Manual Systems
Module Eleven: Using a Prospect Board
The Layout of a Prospect Board
How to Use Your Prospect Board
A Day in the Life of Your Board
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
Words from the Wise

Skill Features

USD:400.00 Per Participant (Ask for the Discount) MINIMUM 10 IN ONE GROUP.

(With Lunch and 2 Coffee Breaks), Printed Course Material and Certificate.

Duration: TWO Days (5 Hour's Per day)
