Performance Management

Performance Management

Module One: Getting Started
Workshop Objectives
Module Two: The Basics (I)
What is Performance Management?
How Does Performance Management Work?
Case Study
Module Two: Review Questions
Module Three: The Basics (II)
Three Phase Process
Performance Reviews
Case Study
Module Three: Review Questions
Module Four: Goal Setting
SMART Goal Setting
Specific Goals
Measureable Goals
Attainable Goals
Realistic Goals
Timely Goals
Monitoring Results
Case Study
Module Four: Review Questions
Module Five: Establishing Performance Goals
Strategic Planning
Job Analysis
Setting Goals
Case Study
Module Five: Review Questions
Module Six: 360 Degree Feedback
What is 360 Degree Feedback?
Vs. Traditional Performance Reviews
The Components
Case Study
Module Six: Review Questions
Module Seven: Competency Assessments
Competency Assessment Defined
Final Destination
Case Study
Module Seven: Review Questions
Module Eight: Kolb’s Learning Cycle
Case Study
Module Eight: Review Questions
Module Nine: Motivation
Key Factors
The Motivation Organization
Identifying Personal Motivators
Evaluating and Adapting
Case Study
Module Nine: Review Questions
Module Ten: The Performance Journal
Record Goals and Accomplishments
Linking with Your Employees or Managers
Implementing a Performance Coach
Keeping Track
Case Study
Module Ten: Review Questions
Module Eleven: Creating a Performance Plan
Desired Results
Measure 51
Case Study
Module Eleven: Review Questions
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
Words from the Wise
Lessons Learned

Skill Features

USD:400.00 Per Participant (Ask for the Discount) MINIMUM 10 IN ONE GROUP.

(With Lunch and 2 Coffee Breaks), Printed Course Material and Certificate.

Duration: TWO Days (5 Hour's Per day)
