Office Politics for Managers

Office Politics for Managers

Module One: Getting Started
Workshop Objectives
Module Two: New Hires
Company Core Values
Building Relationships
Encourage Respect 7
Setting Ground Rules
Case Study
Module Two: Review Questions
Module Three: It’s About Interacting and Influencing
Dealing with Different Personalities
Build a Culture of Collaboration
Be Nice to Everyone (Not Just Those Who Can Help You)
Be a Team Player
Case Study
Module Three: Review Questions
Module Four: Dealing with Rumors, Gossip, and Half – Truths
It’s Effects on Morale
Reinforce the Truth with Facts
Do Not Participate
Deal With it swiftly
Case Study
Module Four: Review Questions
Module Five: Office Personalities (I)
Negative Ned / Nancy
Case Study
Module Five: Review Questions
Module Six: Office Personalities (II)
Information Keeper
The Apple – Polisher
Nosey Neighbor
Case Study
Module Six: Review Questions
Module Seven: Getting Support for Your Projects
Gain Trust through Honesty
Be Assertive
Blow Your Own Horn
Make Allies
Case Study
Module Seven: Review Questions
Module Eight: Conflict Resolution
The Importance of Forgiveness
Neutralizing Emotions
The Benefits of a Resolution
The Agreement Frame
Case Study
Module Eight: Review Questions
Module Nine: Ethics
Benefits of an Ethical Environment
Lead by Example
Ensuring Ethical Behavior
Addressing Unethical Behavior
Case Study
Module Nine: Review Questions
Module Ten: You Are Not an Island
Never Burn a Bridge
Take the High Road
Trust is a Two-Way Street
Don’t Hide in Your Office
Case Study
Module Ten: Review Questions
Module Eleven: Social Events Outside of Work
How to Decline Politely
Rules When Attending
Meeting New People
Conversation Dos and Don’ts
Case Study
Module Eleven: Review Questions
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
Words from the Wise
Lessons Learned

Skill Features

USD:400.00 Per Participant (Ask for the Discount) MINIMUM 10 IN ONE GROUP.

(With Lunch and 2 Coffee Breaks), Printed Course Material and Certificate.

Duration: TWO Days (5 Hour's Per day)
