Media and Public Relations

Media and Public Relations

Module One: Getting Started
Workshop Objectives
Module Two: Networking for Success (I)
Creating an Effective Introduction
Making a Great First Impression
Module Three: Networking for Success (II)
Minimizing Nervousness
Using Business Cards Effectively
Remembering Names
Module Four: The Meet and Greet
The Three-Step Process
The Four Levels of Conversation
Case Study (I)
Case Study (II)
Module Five: Dressing for Success
The Meaning of Colors
Interpreting Common Dress Codes
Deciding What to Wear
Module Six: Writing
Business Letters
Writing Proposals and Reports
Executive Summaries
Module Seven: Setting Goals
Understanding Goals
Helping Others with Goal Setting
Module Eight: Media Relations
Web Presence, Blogs & the Internet
Module Nine: Issues and Crisis Communication Planning
Gauging the Impending Crisis Level
Providing Feedback and Insights
How Information will be distributed
Tracking the Overall Effect
Module Ten: social media (The PR Toolkit)
Social Bookmarks
RSS Feeds
Module Eleven: Employee Communications
Verbal Communication
Non-Verbal Communication Skills (Body Language)
Email Etiquette
Negotiation Skills
Making an Impact
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
Words from the Wise

Skill Features

USD:400.00 Per Participant (Ask for the Discount) MINIMUM 10 IN ONE GROUP.

(With Lunch and 2 Coffee Breaks), Printed Course Material and Certificate.

Duration: TWO Days (5 Hour's Per day)
