Employee Recruitment

Employee Recruitment

Module One: Getting Started
Workshop Objectives
Module Two: Introduction to Recruitment
What is Recruitment?
Challenges and Trends
Sourcing Candidates
Case Study
Module Two: Review Questions
Module Three: The Selection Process
Job Analysis and Descriptions
The Approach
The Recruitment Interview
Case Study
Module Three: Review Questions
Module Four: Goal Setting
Using the G.R.O.W. Model
Identifying Goal Areas
Setting SMART Goals
Using a Productivity Journal
Case Study
Module Four: Review Questions
Module Five: The Interview
Phone Interviews
Traditional Interviews
Situational Interviews
Stress Interviews
Case Study
Module Five: Review Questions
Module Six: Types of Interview Questions
Direct Questions
Non-Direct Questions
Hypothetical or Situational Questions
Behavioral Descriptive Questions
Case Study
Module Six: Review Questions
Module Seven: Avoiding Bias in Your Selection
Expectancy Effect
Primacy Effect
Obtaining Bias Information
Case Study
Module Seven: Review Questions
Module Eight: The Background Check
Data Collection
Illegal Questions
Being Thorough without Being Pushy
Case Study
Module Eight: Review Questions
Module Nine: Making Your Offer
Outlining the Offer
Negotiation Techniques
Dealing with Difficult Issues
Sealing the Deal
Case Study
Module Nine: Review Questions
Module Ten: Orientation and Retention
Getting off on the Right Track
Your Orientation Program
The Checklist
Following Up
Case Study
Module Ten: Review Questions
Module Eleven: Measuring the Results
Cost Breakdown
Employee Quality
Recruiter Effectiveness
Fine Tuning
Case Study
Module Eleven: Review Questions
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
Words from the Wise

Skill Features

USD:400.00 Per Participant (Ask for the Discount) MINIMUM 10 IN ONE GROUP.

(With Lunch and 2 Coffee Breaks), Printed Course Material and Certificate.

Duration: TWO Days (5 Hour's Per day)
