Employee Onboarding

Employee Onboarding

Module One: Getting Started
Workshop Objectives
Module Two: Purpose of Onboarding
Start-up Cost
Employee Turnover
Realistic Expectations
Case Study
Module Two: Review Questions
Module Three: Introduction
What Is Onboarding?
The Importance of Onboarding
Making Employees Feel Welcome
First Day Checklist
Case Study
Module Three: Review Questions
Module Four: Onboarding Preparation
Designating a Mentor
Case Study
Module Four: Review Questions
Module Five: Onboarding Checklist
First Week
First Month
Case Study
Module Five: Review Questions
Module Six: Creating an Engaging Program
Getting Off on the Right Track
Role of Human Resources
Role of Managers
Case Study
Module Six: Review Questions
Module Seven: Following Up with New Employees
Initial Check in
Following Up
Setting Schedules
Mentor’s Responsibility
Case Study
Module Seven: Review Questions
Module Eight: Setting Expectations
Defining Requirements
Identifying Opportunities for Improvement and Growth
Setting Verbal Expectations
Putting It in Writing
Case Study
Module Eight: Review Questions
Module Nine: Resiliency and Flexibility
What Is Resiliency?
Why Is It Important?
Five Steps
What is Flexibility?
Why Is It Important?
Five Steps
Case Study
Module Nine: Review Questions
Module Ten: Assigning Work
General Principles
The Dictatorial Approach
The Apple Picking Approach
The Collaborative Approach
Case Study
Module Ten: Review Questions
Module Eleven: Providing Feedback
Characteristics of Good Feedback
Feedback Delivery Tools
Informal Feedback
Formal Feedback
Case Study
Module Eleven: Review Questions

Skill Features

USD:400.00 Per Participant (Ask for the Discount) MINIMUM 10 IN ONE GROUP.

(With Lunch and 2 Coffee Breaks), Printed Course Material and Certificate.

Duration: TWO Days (5 Hour's Per day)
